pramsay posted on June 26, 2008 08:23 1937 views

What We Do & What We Love

Have you ever wondered about our priorities? Things that seem so important today weren’t even on our radar screen that first little while we were saved. We were so thrilled with Christ and our new found joy and so focused on seeing others won to Christ – we wanted to do all we could possibly do to reach others. But what happened?

Did you know there’s a direct link between what we do and what we love? There’s a strong correlation between the good works we do and our love for Christ?

When good works are on the decline so is our love. When our interests and energies are shifting so is our love. That applies to marriage, my individual role as a Christian and a New Testament assembly as well.

The message to the church at Ephesus was this:

“But I have this against you, that

you have abandoned the love you had at first.

Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and

do the works you did at first…”

Revelation 2:4-5

When the church in Ephesus was young and new it was on fire in its devotion to Christ. Love for Christ was the powerful motivating factor. The local church was vibrant, alive and engaged; solid and sound in doctrine and busy in service and good works.

It was a powerful testimony to the pagan world around them. It’s an historical fact that pagans ‘scratched their heads in amazement’ over the kindness and charity of the early Christians. It was one thing for Christians to care for their own but what really boggled their minds was the undiscriminating care Christians showed to perishing pagans.

Are we known for just looking after our own? What society, fraternity or club doesn’t do that much? That’s no big claim-to-fame! Visiting our ‘own’ sick and dipping into our pockets to help our ‘own’ isn’t much of a testimony to the dark world around us.

The real powerful statement that we march to the beat of a different drummer is when our love for Christ moves us to surprise our neighbors (or even shock them!) and the community with acts of kindness and works of compassion – showing them the love of Christ in shoe leather, not just preaching about it.

Are you wondering why things are different today – for yourself or for the assembly? Have you nostalgically mused on the glory days of the past and wondered where things veered off course for you? Have you ever made the connection between what you love and what you do? Perhaps your love and my love needs to be rekindled.

Walk carefully and closely with the Lord today.

Warmly in Christ

Peter Ramsay

[email protected]


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