“…Which in his times He shall show, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords.” 1Timothy 6:15 KJV

“…Which He will bring about at the proper time—He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords.” 1Timothy 6:15 NASB

The Patient Waiting

Christ came in God’s time to effect redemption (2:6); in its own time, He came to reveal the intention and desire of His Father for all men to be saved. Now in turn, God will reveal and display His Son at the appropriate time. All is in His hands and in His timing. “The Father hath put in His own authority …” (Acts 1:7) The reminder of a Sovereign God Who controls history would strengthen Timothy in his own service and suffering.

The Prospective Vindication

The Blessed and Only Potentate – His Dominance – The Ruling One:

Pilate boasted of his authority and Christ bowed to the divine order for government in the world. God will soon “turn the tables” and show where all authority resides – in the blessed and only Potentate. He is described as unparalleled in His blessedness. Men viewed Him as a criminal, as a malefactor and as one Who perverted the people. God will display Him as the consummation of all blessedness. He is seen as unique in His power – the One Who controlled His omnipotence when tried, will be shown to be the only One with genuine power and authority. The One who was crucified in “weakness” will be shown to be the only potentate.

King of kings – His Dominion – The Royal One

He was rejected for Caesar, an earthly monarch. His claim to kingship was rejected; His rightful claims were denied. His Father God will see that He is owned and acknowledged at His appearing. This title is used twice in Revelation: chapter 17:14 when the ten lords who give their power to the beast make war with the Lamb and He overcomes them; and in chapter 19:16 when He is seen to be the rightful King as He returns to claim His inheritance and defeats the Beast and his followers.

Lord of lords – His Dignity – The Reigning One

Lordly in His dignity; He was once shamefully treated: “Thou hast known my reproach, shame, dishonor. My adversaries …” He is above all earthly dignity and dignitaries.

 The Praise Ascending

As a result of what He has considered, Paul breaks forth in one of his wonderful doxologies:

To the God Who is Immortal

Only God has immortality inherently in Himself. We derive it by virtue of life given to us. It is used in 1Corinthians 15:53. 54 when we shall put on immortality. It is the word for “deathless.” In 1 Timothy 1:17 it is incorruptible. He does not decay, change, or alter.

Timothy facing possible death and Paul facing death were strengthened by the realization of God Who is deathless and confers immortality upon us.

To the God Who is Invincible

In chapter 1:17 He is King of the ages; Here He dwells in light; all wrongs will eventually be brought to light and made right. Evil cannot triumph; sin will not reign forever. 1 Peter 2:23 reminds us that He committed Himself to Him Who judges righteously. In 2 Timothy 4:8 Paul faced an unrighteous judge (Nero) but was looking to a righteous Judge from Whom he would receive the crown of righteousness “which the Lord the righteous judge … “

Here He dwells in light unapproachable. Nero might touch Paul’s life; Timothy may face those who would take his life; but no one can approach God and touch His life or challenge His power.

To the God Who is Invisible

He is beyond human ability to perceive; men do not live in light of God, but Timothy should. Only faith can grasp and live for another world, another time. Moses endured as seeing Him Who is invisible.

His closing doxology ascribes Honor and Power to Him for eternity.
