A Good Name

A Good Name

Your name represents you. When your name is mentioned, people immediately think of ‘who’ you are and what they know about you. A lot sooner than we think, our life will be summarized on a headstone in a cemetery. Your first, middle, and last name will be...
A Good Name

Your Letter of Reference

“Yeah, it’s all put on. He can act like that around older Christians, but when he’s with us, he’s no different than the rest of the gang. In fact, he’s often the ring-leader. So – the guy you see is not quite the same as the one we know....
Building a Reputation

Building a Reputation

 “I’ve seen this kind of thing before. I call it a flash-in-the-pan deal. Someone gets all stirred up, makes some changes in their life and fly high for about a month. And then they revert back to the way they were before. I don’t get my hopes up anymore. I’ve been...