pramsay posted on November 17, 2015 19:20 1131 views
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Bad Company

“We should try it. Are you okay with it? Just once? Cool. We’ll go for it this weekend. Nobody has to know. I’m sure some Christians have tried it before us.”

That’s one scenario. Here’s another one:

“They drive me nuts. The elders are so out of touch with reality – a bunch of tight wads they are. The place reeks of favouritism, power and control and yet they themselves do whatever they want.”

Or another scenario could be this:

“Now, I would never teach this from the pulpit. I’m okay talking to you about my beliefs about these verses in your home but I’m sure I could never get away with sharing this publicly. I’d be run out of town.”

Whether it’s pressure to engage in something that’s morally wrong or iffy or the influence of a friend who is filled with negativity or the exposure to a Christian who promotes doctrinal beliefs in private he would not share publicly – the warning of Scripture is:

Do not be deceived:
“Bad company ruins good morals [habits, character].”
1Corinthians 15:33

That’s the warning the Apostle Paul issued to the Christians in Corinth. In their case, among others bad things going on in the assembly, there were some men who held wrong doctrine about the resurrection. Greek culture at the time denied any thought of people being resurrected after they die. And if death is the end, then live as you please, do as you wish, get all the kicks out of life you can – for soon it will all be over. No consequences – no eternity.

You can see how pointless Christian living would become if you started hanging around with people who talked about these things. Even little doses of such error would start changing how you think about living an upright and Christ-pleasing life. Why bother with all the effort of trying to live a clean life for Christ if there might not even be a resurrection?

1 Corinthians 15 is a critical chapter that clearly teaches the truth of the Resurrection. Paul saw how wrong teaching about the resurrection was quickly dragging the Christians down a dark, slippery slope to sin. His message to them was: “You are only fooling yourselves. It’s happening to you and you don’t even realize it. The company you are keeping is ruining you. Bad company ruins good morals. Wake up. It’s like you are completely out of it. Shake yourself and wake up to living a holy life. Wake up to reality. Wake up and stop sinning. There is an after-life. You will be raised from the dead. You are accountable.”

Bad company doesn’t just mean friends who are not saved who are dragging you into their lifestyle. Bad company could be a kind believer who be-friends you and invites you out for coffee and subtly influences you against the Biblical teachings you know the elders of the local church stand for. Bad company could be someone who seems to be edifying you while at the same time playing mind games with you to lead you in another direction that requires you to compromise on Scripture. Bad company could be Christian friends who are filled with bitterness and are totally negative. If you listen to their bad talk week after week, you too will become like them. Bad company could be a group of young professing Christians who dare each other to sneak into the liquor impairment store on a weekend.

If you are going to live for Christ and please Him you will have to sever your intimacy with any and all bad company in your life. It might even mean parting ways with your best friend. Best friends can drag you down quickly.

Remember – bad company or bad companions ruin good morals.

Walk carefully and closely with the Lord today.
Warmly in Christ,

Kim Phuc – Searching for Light in Dense Darkness     Read the Latest Story on

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