I can lose a lot of things in life. A job. A wallet. A game. A friend. A loved one. Good health. The list is almost endless – but not quite. Powerful life-tsunamis can sweep away every possession I may have in life until the waves smash up against an immovable, impenetrable, permanent, insurmountable, unbudging, and secure possession called ‘eternal life.’ This far but no further!

Some barriers are engineered to withstand powerful earthquakes and bomb blasts. They may not be completely removed or obliterated but they can be damaged. But the eternal life of a believer is untouchable and unshakeable and, without exception, remains unscathed and undamaged despite the most fierce assaults.

Absolutely nothing can put even a dent in the eternal security of a Christian – nothing can chip it away or cause even a hairline fracture to surface.  Eternal life is a security not based on our performance or how acceptable we live our lives – but rather one hundred percent on the performance of another – Another with a capital A. Christ!

Tragically, many tell their congregations they can be saved and lost again. They tell them it is possible to accept Christ through faith but then lose Him through failures. What an un-Biblical chain to wrap around a believer’s ankle! What an insult to the all-sufficiency of the work of Christ! Turn to Christ and you’ll be saved – mess up and you’ll be lost.  Really? One-minute salvation depends exclusively on the work of Christ and the next minute it depends on you. What a contradiction! Is it eternal security or insecurity?

“Truly, truly, I (Jesus) say to you, He who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life. John 5:24

There are many other verses that assure us of our eternal salvation like John 10:27-29, Romans 8:35-39, Ephesians 4:30, etc.

My security in Christ is not conditional. When I was born again and accepted into the family of God, it was not a conditional acceptance into the family.

Many children disappoint their fathers and fail them from time to time, but they still belong to the family. Sadly, I may disappoint my Heavenly Father in some choice I make in life. I may experience a certain awkwardness in the relationship and I may lose the joy of being in the family because of my sin, but I cannot lose my status as a family member.

My salvation and security depend 100% on what Christ did for me – not on what I am doing for Christ. If you are still struggling with this, you should do some further Bible study on:

  • the absolute sufficiency of the work of Christ on the Cross;
  • the complete dependability of God’s Word as found in the Sovereign decree of John 5:24;
  • the ongoing High priestly work of the Lord Jesus; and
  • the sealing of the Holy Spirit.

Of course, you need to be certain that you have first entered. Once you’re in, you’re in. But be sure you are in. One of the proofs that you are in or that you have eternal life is a genuine love for the One who died for your sins and a new desire to please God that never existed before.  A desire to please God out of love – not out of fear of losing eternal life.

The truth of eternal security does not lead to sloppy Christian living. As you grasp the truth, the deeper your desire will be to please and honour the One in whom you enjoy such acceptance and security.

If you are not sure you are saved, get it settled today. Remember it is for eternity. If you are a possessor of eternal life, join the millions of others today who will be sending up a little ‘thank you’ note of praise and worship to the Lord.

Walk carefully and closely with the Lord today,

Warmly in Christ
Peter Ramsay

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