The Bible hasn’t been banned – yet! Its truths and teachings are under attack but thank God, most of you reading this Bible Bite can still carry the Bible in public. You can read it on the bus. You can set it on your desk in class or at work. You can open it at your coffee shop table. You can quietly read it in the waiting room or on the plane.

Increasingly, in the media it seems that people who respect the Bible are portrayed as wackos and weirdos, protestors, social abberrants, or duped deviants. Yes, there will always be a few people who can be found in society misusing a Bible or some other book to promote twisted and warped ideas. Because of their extreme behaviour, they tend to be noticed by those looking for sensational stories or noticed by those who want to discredit God’s Word.

Can you imagine the impact if every Credible Christian in the world started quietly and humbly carrying a small visible Bible with them – one that is clearly marked BIBLE? I have several Bibles on my phone but no one knows if I’m reading the Bible or playing Angry Birds. There may be a day coming when we’ll be even more thankful for the invisible Bibles we can have on our devices.  But today we are still allowed to carry visible Bibles. Take advantage of this liberty to promote the Gospel. Of course, reading our Bibles is not for show. That goes against the Bible itself. But neither should it be an activity we intentionally or unintentionally conceal or hide from others – who just may be seekers.

“Hmmm. I think I saw a Bible on her desk. That’s strange. She seems totally cool. In fact, she is the nicest person around here and the most helpful and thoughtful person I have ever met. I thought the only people who still had a Bible were the kind I saw on the news last night – chanting and flailing their arms.”


Or: “Buddy, that dude carries a little Bible with him everywhere – in class, the cafeteria and on the bus. I wish I had his brain and some of his talents. He pulls off some of the highest marks and everyone hopes to have him in their group when a project is assigned. He’s not only crazy smart – he’s a super nice guy. So helpful.”

Wouldn’t it be great if Bible publishers started putting the words ‘The Bible’ on the front cover rather than just on the spine of the Bible? Then lookers, who are straining their curious eyes to see the name of the little book beside you, could easily see the title on the cover. “Oh, it’s a Bible! Now that person sure didn’t seem weird or strange who was reading that book. Maybe I really should be getting one to read myself to help me in my search and thirst.”

Remember for every person who picks up a Bible to read – there is great potential. It is the living Word of God and God can powerfully speak to that person without ever having a Christian to explain the verses to them. God can do it, if we aren’t available or accessible to be used.

“For the Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword,

and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow,

and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

(Hebrews 4:12)

Nice (not gaudy) stickers – “I love my Bible.” Or non-tacky t-shirts that tactfully say: “I love my Bible – the World’s Perennial Best-Seller.” Tastefully designed decals that say: “I read the Bible.” When asked what your favourite book is – do you always say: “The Bible?” Imagine a “Read the Bible” movement that goes viral on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, etc., as well as QQ in China, Cyworld in South Korea, Mixi in Japan and SMS GupShup in India.

If you would like to be equipped with some encouraging news about the popularity of the Bible, click on this link to see what a world-famous blogger Daniel Radosh has to say about the book you love.

What part are you going to play in promoting the visible Bible within your circle of influence and those who may cross your path today?

Walk carefully and closely with the Lord today,

Warmly in Christ,

Peter Ramsay

[email protected]
